Year 1
Level 3

Year 1 | Level 3

High School Graduation Diploma

(minimum 75% average, over the last three years of high school – Grade 10, 11 and 12)

English Language Proficiency | IELTS or Equivalent Certificate

(5.5 overall minimum IELTS Academic Test Score, with a minimum of 5.0 in each module)

Year 2
Level 4

Year 2 | Level 4 (and above) - Direct Entry

High School Graduation Diploma

(minimum 75% average, over the last three years of high school – Grade 10, 11 and 12)

Level 3 Certificate/A Level/IB Diploma

(Qualification equal to or exceeding the course entry requirements)

English Language Proficiency | IELTS or Equivalent Certificate

(6.0 overall minimum IELTS Academic Test Score, with a minimum of 5.5 in each module)

Document Requirements

The following scan, picture or screenshot evidence, of the official document, is required to complete the EUB Admissions process and should be submitted in person to complete the Registration process:

  1. Official High School Transcripts | Years 9, 10, 11 and 12 (with MOE Stamp for Private Schools)
  2. Official High School Graduation Certificate | Equal to or Exceeding the Year of Entry Requirements
  3. IELTS or Equivalent Certificate | Equal to or Exceeding the Year of Entry Requirement
  4. Current Passport ID Page
  5. CPR or National ID | Front and Back
  6. Applicant (Recent) Photograph | with a White Background
  7. Medical Report from a Public Health Centre or any Approved Health Institution
  8. Ministry of Education Equalisation Letter | Private Schools Only


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